I have several goal races for my marathon career. I plan on running all the marathons in Texas, then I will try to conquer certain US marathons. My dream races have more of a history and are all international (with one intergalactic). Here they are:

Athens Marathon
I want to run what is considered the course of the first marathon run by Phedippedes in 409 B.C. Today's marathon begins at Athens Stadium and ends in Marathon. Going to Greece just to see all the history would be amazing in itself. But running a marathon there is a true dream.
Real Berlin Marathon

I'm not sure if this is the real (as in not fake) or real (like the Real Madrid soccer team) Berlin Marathon, but either way, I want to run this one. It is considered the fastest marathon course in the world. It is highly acclaimed as one of the best marathons in the world. The course map shows why I want to run this race because it has landmarks where all the historical sites are along your 26.2 mile journey. I think this would be an awesome way to see Berlin.
Flora London Marathon

I've always wanted to go to England. I've even pondered the possibilities of moving there for a semester or even a year. This was before I got married and had a little more freedom with where I could travel by myself. Now I am willing to settle for a few trips and possibly a marathon in London. And I love their commercials.
Great Wall Marathon

The only man-made structure that is visible from space is the Great Wall of China. How about running a marathon on it? The Berlin Marathon might be the fastest course in the world; I'm sure with the 5164 steps on the Great Wall, this race would be one of the slowest. Another perk is that I would possibly get to visit some of my Chinese friends that I won't have seen for along time after grad school. I bet I won't be able to run this race for a good 20 years, so that will make for a good reunion.
Marato Barcelona

Another country rich in history and culture: Spain. Just look at the pic! When I'm there to run the marathon, I will definitely schedule time to go see a real soccer game. Who knows, maybe Thierry Henry will watch me run then I can watch him play.
Marathon de Paris

I've always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower. Now I can run by it! I have always thought the best way to get to know a new city is to run through it.
Moon Marathon

My final dream marathon is one that does not yet exist: a marathon on the moon. I think it's possible. My question is that if you weigh less, would you run faster or slower? The "bounciness" of the run might actually make it harder run keep up the pace.
I thought it might be good to take it a little easier and not irritate my blister any more. I cut back my mileage and didn't do any speed work last week.
T - 4.48 mi, 43:22.92 (1.5 miles before my pilates class then 2.98 miles after with my hubby)
W - 5.28 mi on a golf course. 18 holes from tee to green with my running buddy, Marcus. 45:33.31
S - 9.59 mi with some running buddies from my running club, 1:29:51.01
Hi! Looks like you've come up with a fun and challenging list! Good luck with them and happy running!
By the way, I love the quotes you always start your posts with. They are always interesting. I've actually visited your blog a few times now. Today's just the first time I've managed to leave a comment.
Nice blog and amusing recaps of your training and races! ;-)
Oooooh, I'm so excited! You have a fan! I really liked this post, as I am a visual person, I'd like to talk to you about the nuts and bolts of it, as I always have a difficult time lining up photos and text the way I see it in my head. I will run in Greece with you when you decide to make that one happen, it will be nice, no doubt, to have a few people around that speak the same language.
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