Monday, July 21, 2008


“Pain is weakness leaving the body.” -High school CC coach

I have a blister that WILL NOT go away!!! It all started the weekend I went to go visit my family at the end of June. Specifically June 28th. It is now July 21!!!
On June 28th I ran a short 5K and ended up with a blood blister on the crease of where my big toe connects to my foot. I did some internet/forum research and found that many runners love Dr. Scholl's Moleskin for blisters. I cut a smaller piece the size of my blister and put it sticky side to sticky side to a bigger piece. I kind of made my own moleskin band-aid so it would not stick directly to my blister. This seemed to work pretty well. The blister got a little bigger, but not too bad.
July 4th, my 10 mile race. I was pleasantly surprised that my blister (and the moleskin) held up the whole way. I had already popped the blister by this point and only a little more fluid built up after this race. I even have been running with my socks turned inside out so the seams won't rub my foot.
Fast forward to Thursday. I did some speedwork and built up a blood blister again! Saturday I did a run with some of my running club buddies & it got almost as big as it was a month ago. What do I do! I can't stop running long enough to let it heal completely, but I don't want to live the rest of my life with a blister. What do I need to do?? Please, feel sorry for me.
Click here for a nasty pic of my blister. This was after I popped it after the 10 mi race.

M - 5 mi, 44:21.16
W & Th - some speed work that I had to spread over two days due to rain and time constraints.
Mile repeats vol. 1: 0.71 mi warmup - 6:32.20, 1 - 6:44.26 (2:41.14 rest), 2 - 7:13.18
Mile repeats vol. 2: 0.71 mi warmup - 6:49.91, 1 - 7:17.50 (2:40.31 rest), 2 - 7:43.26 (3:19.30 rest) 1.54 mi cooldown - 14:57.75
S - 10.46 mi, 1:37:51.36

1 comment:

bcIII said...

So sorry. I have no advice, unfortunately. Thanks for the comment on my covered dish bliss, by the way.